Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A shout out....

to all of our friends and family!

I am so excited for the year 2009! Feeling newly rejuvenated in so many areas of my life!

I know many of my friends have adopted Ali Edwards concept of a word for the new year.

"A single word can be a powerful thing. It can be the ripple in the pond that changes everything. It can sharp and biting or rich and soft and slow."

I think it is a great time to reflect and instead of crazy resolutions that no one every keeps it lets you reflect about everyday life & a whole new outlook for the new year.

So here is my word....


FOCUS on just one thing until it is done. I need to FOCUS on what I am doing at the time and not be thinking about the 20 other things I need to do. By doing so will help me actually complete tasks on time!

FOCUS...on budget. We are feeling good financially for the year 2009. We are getting closer to being out of debt except for the house and will continue to focus one day at a time with what we buy, spend and use that costs money. My tip for the new year for my friends.... Get energy savings light bulbs we have dropped our electric bill 25% this last year and aren't changing light bulbs so often! Hoping the new front loading washer and dryer help soon too! I really want to be able to afford a new vehicle for Jason... the 1991 Astro Van just is not going to last too much longer for him! One of the many sacrafices he has made for our family this past 3 years!

FOCUS... one day at a time on living a healthier life. I have to lose this weight and it isn't going to happen quickly... one day at a time with focusing on exercise and what I eat. A total physical on the 13th and hopefully eliminating some health concerns that I have been on my mind for a few weeks since I made the appointment. I have already started on the exercise and my family won't be happy when I don't have sugary foods or baking supplies in the house!

FOCUS... on developing time for play and having fun with friends and family. I think work got in the way for so long that I quit doing anything and I am now redeveloping and focusing on friends and family.

FOCUSING on quality living and a new year of life!



Kristie said...

Happy New Year!!!

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

I love this idea of choosing a word for the new year. And "Focus" is a great one! You've given me something to ponder today. Thanks!

Katia said...

Happy New Year to you and your family!!!!! Thank you so much for this posting. It is quite motivational. Wish you all the best in keeping focus on all the things you would like to do throughout this new year.
Love ya:)